
Is glucose inflammatory or not ?

 Many people would say this thing that glucose is an inflammatory thing and they can give you their strong argument about this thing. But i say that the pure glucose is a non inflammatory thing. Glucose acts like inflammatory thing when it is in a compound form like glucose in friuts vegetables and other products like jaggery. Jaggery is very inflammatory. But pure glucose or glucose in white augar is not inflammatory. So i make you sure about it thar pure glucose is a non inflammatory thing. Anti- inflammatory diet plan. 1. All the products that are made from wheat and barley except bread, biscuits or cookies because they contain vegetables oils. 2. All the products that are made from pure animal milk like curd, cheese, ghee, butter clarified etc.  3. Paprika powder,red chilli powder,  coriander powder,turmeric, refined sea salt,tea,glucose powder.White sugar, Mustard oil.   4. All, meaty foods like mutton, chicken, fish, eggs, pork, beef etc. 5. Lemon (not limes because lime is very

Treatment for pneumonia, severe inflammation and inflammation caused incurable diseases like mumps, gangrene, septic, herpes, over inflammation, incurable wound.

  To get to the point I have a question. Has any carnivorous been enable to spread a pandemic ever. And what is the reason pandemic affects all living creatures but carnivoroueses. All the pandemics of the history that hit the world badly. Either they were spreade  by a herbivores or omnivores like rats,bats,swine,birds. I don't think a carnivorous faced saptic, gangrene or severe inflammation ever. I have a great discovery on this subject. I spent more than 30 years on this subject. So before any new pandemic hits the word please give me a chance to prove that that human diet is a thing that can resolve all these tough puzzles. I was a very severe patient of pneumonia and inflammation and I used to face either pneumonia or inflammation severely after every two or three months time period but now it's been more than three years i won't face neither pneumonia nor inflammation even normal fever too. But i follow my diet plan very very strictly. I have discovered an anti-infla

The biggest discovery of this age on pneumonia and inflammation.

To get to the point I have a question. Has any carnivorous been enable to spread a pandemic ever. And what is the reason pandemic affects all living creatures but carnivoroueses. All the pandemics of the history that hit the world badly. Either they were spreade  by a herbivores or omnivores like rats,bats,swine,birds. I have a great discovery on this subject. I spent more than 30 years on this subject. So before any new pandemic hits the world please give me a chance to prove that that human diet is a thing that can resolve all these tough puzzles. Inflammation has many forms and pneumonia, inflamed wound, disturbed stomach are some of them. I have observed this thig that inflammation has one form at a time. I was a very severe patient of pneumonia and inflammation and I used to face either pneumonia or inflammation severely after every two or three months time period and many times it had been continues too, but now it's been three years i won't face neither pneumonia nor inf

One of the horrible story of a hospital.

 It's been more than one year. One of my friends got kidney stone and the doctors suggested him an operation. The operation was done and the stone was removed. After six days I visited him. There was a patient near  his bed and that patient had an opened stomach. My friend told me that that patient had an operation three months ago and his operation was successful but after six days,his guts got inflamed and the doctors had no option but to reopen the stomach once again and after some day when the inflammation got worst. They left his stomach opend. I was deeply hurt because I understood the pain very much. Then a  nurse came and offered him some fruit juice and breads. I was shocked to  see that because I knew that patient is never be cured because fruits are the most inflammatory thing in this world. But how could I have stopped her not  to offering him the  fruits  because she was a qualified nurse and I was nothing but a curious pneumonia patient. But I knew the treatment. I co

Treatment for pneumonia and excessive inflammation

  It took me more than 30 Years to discover this thing. I am a very severe patient of pneumonia and inflammation. I have a very sensitive body and if I eat anything inflammatory, my body becomes sensitive and I face either inflammation or pneumonia at a time. I checked it out by eating particular fruit, vegetable or  grain for a particular time period . So it took me more than 30 Years to sort out these foods. During covid 19 infection, in some cases a patient's immune system becomes too sensitive and it produces excessive mucus. And if it is not controlled on time ,it takes a form of septic and the patient dies. What i am going to tell you, it is a natural way to control the over inflammation. Please read it thoroughly.  Non inflammatory diet plan. 1. All the products that are made from/of wheat and barley but not bread, biscuits or cookies because they contain vegetables oils. 2. All the products that are made from pure animal milk like curd, cheese, ghee, butter clarified etc. 

My struggle for treating pneumonia and excessive inflammation

An only  breast milk feeding child never faces  pneumonia so severely. I got 9 children at my village,  who got affected with pneumonia badly during their childhood days and they all were more than 2 and half years old when they got affected  with it first time. It proved that foods and inflammation are related to each other. My parents told me that I was three years old when I got affected with pneumonia first time. So if a child is fed only milk, no matter whether it is breast milk or animal milk(not formula milk because it contains vegetable oil )he never faces neither pneumonia nor inflammation. Second thing, during covid 19 infection many animals like dogs, cats  and lions got affected with this virus but none of them was dead, I tell you why covid 19 is not fatal for animals, it is just because of their feeds. So please have a trust on it and apply this diet plan strictly for 18 to 20 days and see the results by yourself.  Note - you have to follow this diet plan very very strict