
[𝗪] I am going to share with you one of my life's experience.I am a very severe patient of pneumonia and inflammation. pneumonia made my body so sensitive that a little inflammatory thing makes my body inflamed.If you are a patient of pneumonia and inflammation, you are going to learn something that can cure your pneumonia and inflammation problems permanently without any medication. It seems little weired but it is true. If you get affected with covid 19, this thing resists your body to go into the cytokine storm or sepsis thus you never face the worst and covid 19 will never be fatal for you and you never face pneumonia or any sort of inflammatoion as long as you following this diet plan strictly. After this article, please read the [𝗭] part too.

 Dear readers it was during 1997 to 2016. The doctors had been prescribing me more and more stronger antibiotics. As i told you during this  period I have faced sepsis six times. And during the infection some of the Indian doctors (called vaidhya ) decided my diet so it is the reason I had survived every time. the vaidhyas still didn't know the perfect diet. Dear readers whenever I got affected with pneumonia my lungs got chocked with a thick yellow colored  mucus. It felt like something had been cutting my lungs inside with blades. Some time the mucus came with blood, it's happened twice when I ate eggs continuously. One night I had a pneumonia fever the whole night I was awaken. My legs became restless. Next day I visited The doctor and he suggested me how to get rid of the chocked lungs problem. He suggested me to lay down on a bed and put some two or three pillows under your legs and he told me to cough loudly. First laying left side and cough loudly then the other side. I

[𝗫] Do you know about cytokine storm and sepsis? , do you also know about the autoimmunity? By controlling your eating habits you can treat all these complications easily.

 During covid 19 infection people use to face this sort of complications. It is dangerous and it can affect your body badly. In some cases it can be fatal.  A cytokine storm, also called hypercytokinemia, is a pathological reaction in humans and other animals in which the innate immune system causes an uncontrolled and excessive release of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules called cytokines.   The thing, I am going to tell you, is a natural way to control over information.  Anti- inflammatory diet plan. 1. All the products that are made from wheat and barley except bread, biscuits or cookies because they contain vegetables oils. 2. All the products that are made from pure animal milk like curd, cheese, ghee, butter clarified etc.  3. Paprika powder,red chilli powder,  coriander powder,turmeric, sea salt,tea, glucose powder, white sugar(up to 30gm daily), Mustard oil,chickpea. 4. All, meaty foods like mutton, chicken, fish, eggs, pork, beef etc. 5. Apricot,Lemon (not limes because lim

[𝗬] A thirty five years nightmare of pneumonia and inflammation that made my life hell.

   Dear readers today I am going to share with you the dreadful experience of my life. As I have told you pneumonia made my life hell. Due to pneumonia my body became too sensitive. I had faced various sort of inflammation. I used to face a disturbed stomach, a little spicy thing or fried thing made my stomach disturbed and it did take ten or more days to get treated. A small cut or scratch on my body used to take a form of a wound that took months to get cured. I had faced septic six times so far. I don't know why but I had a different sort of pneumonia because the people who have pneumonia do not face such complications what I had faced. I used to face it after every two or two and a half month time period. The doctors prescribed me more and more stronger antibiotics and at last those antibiotics had no use for me, they stopped working. Due to strong antibiotics my liver and kidney got affected badly. It was a nightmare for 35 years. Dear readers I tell you inflammation has one f

[𝗭] You can achieve zero inflammation within 15 to 18 days. Please follow the described diet plan strictly for more than 15 days and see the results by yourself.

   To get to the point I have a question. Has any carnivorous been enable to spread a pandemic ever. And what is the reason pandemic affects all living creatures but carnivoroueses. All the pandemics of the history that hit the world badly. Either they were spreade by a herbivores or omnivores like rats,bats,swine,birds and monkeys. I don't think a carnivorous faced saptic, gangrene or severe inflammation ever. I have a great discovery on this subject. I spent more than 30 years on this subject. So I can prove that human diet is a thing that can control the autoimmunity or severe inflammation problems. I have discovered a diet plan that can treat the worst inflammation within fifteen days without any medication. You need to follow this diet plan very strictly for 15 days and see the results by yourself.I was a very severe patient of pneumonia and inflammation and I used to face either pneumonia or inflammation severely after every two or three months time period and it did take 15

[𝗞] Inflammation could disturb your stomach too.

 Dear readers if you are a covid longhauler or a severe pneumonia patient, you can face various form of inflammation. And frequently disturbed stomach is one of them. I used to face it and every time it was a nightmare for me. Sometimes It did take more than 10 days to get treated. Now I have a solution for this problem. First avoid eating fried things and take either curd, buttermilk or skimmed milk, one of them thrice a day. Because these things have good bacteria that improves our gut health and we never face any stomach problem. Here some people would say that curd or buttermilk are inflammatory things but i tell you if you have been following the suggested diet plan very strictly. You will see Curd, lemon (not lime because lime is a very inflammatory thing) are non- inflammatory things. And here is a tablet i perfere that can cure your stomach problems very easily. It is Norfloxacin and tinidazole tablet. Non inflammatory diet plan. 1. All the products that are made from/of wheat

[𝗟] White sugar is not inflammatory if you consume it on a lover quantity(up to 30gm daily),

 I am a very sensitive patient of pneumonia and inflammation. I have faced six times septic so far in my life and i have spent more than 35 years of life in a pneumonic hell. So please have a trust upon it. Apply this diet plan very strictly for more than 18 days and see the results by yourself.  As i told you that i would come with an update, so here i am. I tell you, i had been following my simple non - inflammatory diet plan and as i told you, I had been facing some mucus problems. But  this time ir was a different sort of problem. I had faced coughing problem after 2 am, or 3am in the morning everyday. And this time the color of mucus was not white or yellow, but it was some sort of water coloured. I was amazed because I had been taking my simple non inflammatory diet and its been more than three years I haven't faced any problem while i was on this diet, i had one more curiosity this time and it was related to white sugar. Earlier I had no inflammation problem with white sugar

[𝗠] Treatment for pneumonia, severe inflammation and inflammation caused incurable diseases like mumps, gangrene, septic, herpes, over inflammation, incurable wound.

  Note- Take the medicine what your doctor had prescribed you. And follow the given diet plan strictly. If you have scabies, the boils or rashes on your bod will vanish within three or four days after that carry a permathrin lotion or ointment 24×5,hours with you or either take a four to six day leave and stay at home. Because you have to apply the ointment on your body where you feel etching and you get rid of it permanently. There are a reason becaus the doctors suggest to apply the ointment twise a day and twelve hours time for a scabies virus like 30 years for a human being because it live only for three days. I faced scabies continuously for two and a half year and after those years i treated it by my self. Remember dont use this ointment on face because it is dangerous to the eyes.  To get to the point I have a question. Has any carnivorous been enable to spread a pandemic ever. And what is the reason pandemic affects all living creatures but carnivoroueses. All the pandemics of