[V] Carnivorouses never spread a pendamic. they never face severe inflammatoion or pneumonia like herbivorouses or omnivorouses. Why?
The thing, I am going to tell you, is a natural way to control over inflammation. It took me more than 35 years to sort out these anti-inflammatory foods. I am a very severe patient of pneumonia and inflammation, pneumonia made my body so sensitive that a little inflamotry thing makes my body inflamed and I either face pneumonia or inflammation. In the main inflammatoion has one form at a time. I tell you if you eat only grilled or boiled meaty food with sea salt and lemons, you can achieve zero inflammation within 7 to 8 days. To get to the point I have a question. Has any carnivorous been enable to spread a pandemic ever. And what is the reason pandemic affects all living creatures but carnivoroueses. All the pandemics of the history that hit the world badly. Either they were spreade by a herbivores or omnivores like rats,bats,swine,birds and monkeys. I don't think a carnivorous faced saptic, gangrene or severe inflammation ever. I have a great discovery on this subject. I spen